This week the challenge was to use the sketch below to create a card as long as you include at least 1 Penny Black image.

Just a reminder, if you haven't already joined Katharina's Blog candy give away, you still have time to join in. Katharina is celebrating 100,000 hits (wow) by giving away a set of Elisabeth Bell Guardian Angels plus another identical set so you can host your own blog candy giveaway. Click on the link above for more details of what to do. You have until 8pm on the 16th of August to enter.
Sorry this is just a quick post as I've still got lots to do ( don't want OH to be able to say that great line -"didn't YOU pack that" AAhhhhhh!
Will be AWOL for a few weeks until I catch up on the holiday washing when we get back and get little one settled into primary school but I'm sure the loft will be calling me - in fact I'm sure I can here the ink pads shouting my name even now.LOL.
Enjoy the rest of the summer and see you all soon.